Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thank You

A day of gluttony, family, football, and the countdown to Christmas. We do Thanksgiving at my in-laws and like most families we always have enough to feed the neighborhood. I enjoy turkey and all the trimmings, and though I am plenty full, I always make me a turkey sandwich later that night. The days that follow Thanksgiving are a blur of garland, christmas lights, and ornaments, and the task of making sure all are accounted for on the christmas list. Before the tinsel and jingle bells, and finals at school over take my life, I want to take a minute on the week of this Thanksgiving holiday and say what I am grateful for:

My husband, after almost 17 years of marriage it still never ceases to amaze me how much I can love someone so much.

My kids, they teach me everyday how to be a better person. Their unconditional love, amazing beauty, and innocence prove that I am truly blessed.

For my family; my mother, whom I wish I had half her strength, wisdom, and faith. My father, for his humor, stories, and love. My sister, for her inner and outer beauty that always leaves me in awe.

My in-laws and family; I feel funny calling them in-laws because I feel like they have always been part of my life and they have always been my family. I tease Adrian that if he ever decided to leave me I get his family in the divorce...I think that is completely fair :)......

My small town that I live in. This town is a rare community that takes care of those that live in it. The people that live here are incredible and I am glad that I have gotten to know so many of them over the years.

My education, I have been out of school for close to 20 years, and to have the opportunity to go back to school has been a treasure. I will graduate next year so I can move on to nursing school and I look forward to the adventure.

This country, Though it has faults and things that are broken, to me is the most amazing country on this continent. I am proud to be an American and for the fundamental ideas that this country was built upon.

My faith, It comforts me at my worst times and uplifts me at my best of times. My faith shows me where I came from, why I am here, and where I am going and I am forever thankful for the blessings that I have been given.

So many things to be grateful and thankful for......may all of you have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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