Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Goofy, Pluto, Baloo, Chip and Dale, Oh My!

We got to Anaheim around one in the afternoon, we were the first to get to the hotel, no sooner did we get in the lobby did Disney characters come out of the Goofy kitchen. Goofy's kitchen is a dining place that you can see all the characters at a hefty price. I was not prepared for taking pictures yet, I was digging for my camera, the children were disheveled from being in the car.

Once I got the camera out and ready I had to gather my road weary children. The youngest was not to sure of these furry creatures (nightmares of her previous run in with coca-cola bear just the day before seemed to cloud her judgement of these characters). So I started clicking the camera quickly, Kenzie never looked at the camera, they are a little out of focus....

But nonetheless we got to see a lot of characters all at once and did not have to wait in line or pay a small fortune for a meal to see them

The only picture Kenzie posed perfectly is because Alice falls in the princess category, and Kenzie loves anything that may be like a princess...........even though Alice is not a princess, she is girly, and that is good enough for Kenzie.

The girls were off talking to Goofy and Kenzie would not go near the big blue bear (once again, remember the coca-cola bear). I still had to get a pic though because I love Baloo the bear, and Jungle Book is one of my favorites.

Captain Hook is in the corner of this pic, hook and goofy were sword fighting, it was really hard to get a picture of hook, he only stayed a couple minutes and was headed out the door

Goofy stayed the longest and played with the girls a lot,......all this happened within just a half hour of us being in the hotel...the kids were thrilled! We soon checked into our hotel room which had been newly renovated and was beautiful and then had to move to a new hotel room because of the lack of air conditioning in our room. Our view from our new room allowed us to see the fireworks that Disney does every night. We got to bed early in preparation for the next be continued

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