Saturday, March 5, 2011

I guess we all have a right to our opinion.

I live here in the great state of Utah home of the LDS church. We have this university in Provo called BYU, have you heard of it? With March madness around the corner BYU's exceptional basketball team has been in the spotlight because of their basketball player Brandon Davies, have you heard of him? This is the player that has been in the middle of a public media frenzy. He was kicked off the basketball team for breaking the BYU honor code. The code includes no drinking, tobacco, illegal drugs, premarital sex, and various other dress and honesty codes. Brandon Davies got his girlfriend pregnant and therefore broke the honor code which in turn released him from the team. It has not been stated whether or not he will be joining the team next year or if he in fact will be able to stay at the school.

Everyone has an opinion on the subject here so I thought why not throw my opinion into the hornets nest......

First off all Brandon grew up in Utah county, grew up in the church, knew what BYU expects of their students. The honor code is drilled into the head of incoming students and students voluntarily sign this document. BYU had to stand by the same standards as they do with all their students even if basketball championships revenues are at risk. BYU has an exceptional academic program with amazingly intelligent students graduating every year..........

With all that being said I need to throw in my...but...comment....with all the local media high fives for BYU sticking by their standards I see a sophomore "kid" who is at the end of the day a "kid" who made a mistake. I am not a graduate of BYU, but have known a lot of students of BYU. The biggest complaint and the only complaint I ever heard about BYU was the honor code committee. I see the honor committee as a very black and white judgement, yet we as humans are subject to frailties and mistakes, we can't judge situations in black and white standards.

When transgressions are made within the church there is a series of disciplinary actions that one goes through, a series of steps and repentance to try to realign one self with the doctrine of the church. I see a committee that does not allow any room for realignment, I see a set of church standards that are expected of this code as extreme. Why can't BYU students work with church leaders and others to go through a repentance process like all other members, why does there have to be a committee that is only there for judgement and punishment.

I know BYU is not the only school with honor codes and I am not admonishing the LDS church or BYU. I see a kid who made a mistake, I don't think this is the time for this "boy" to get the iron fist thrown at him. I don't see this as a time to stand before a committee who passes down punishments. I see students hiding their transgressions in fear of the punishment of the knee jerk reactions of the honor committee.

I guess I just see irony that is all. Every member of the church has a process of repentance and forgiveness but BYU students are only offered this after judgement has been passed down....and that goes against what I feel is right.

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