Saturday, January 14, 2012

Random Saturday Thoughts

1). My definition of clean and my husbands definition of clean are very different.

2). Makenzie still does not know the difference between the twins, she just calls them sisters, I hope she figures it out sometime. Honestly I don't think she really cares to learn, they are just two people who live in her house and compete for my attention in her world.

3). I will start my 45 day strict diet and exercise regime Monday to prepare for my eating binge on my upcoming cruise

4). I will most likely gain back any weight I loose in my 45 day diet while on the cruise because of my buffet binging.

5). I did not have to buy one textbook this semester, a friend had all the books for me to use, this is huge.... this saves me money...and I like saving money....I need to repay her somehow???

6). My husband ate my last special mint buttercream cookie I got at the bakery...does he not know that I am beginning a strict diet Monday that does not allow such treats....I may not speak to him the rest of the don't mess with my cookies!

7). My kids have been eating their weight in cuties (mini oranges found at supermarket)... they are addictive.

8). Is it okay to eat 10 deserts at buffet? ...because I probably will.

9). Must hit the tanning beds..legs are way to white for the Caribbean sun.

10). I have Real Housewives episodes on my DVR and I want to watch them but my kids are watching T.V......I am silently glaring at them...Don't they know I am 3 episodes behind... a lot can happen in 3 episodes...

11) I need help!

12).It is January 14th and I barely finished putting away my Christmas stuff today.

13). I have class tomorrow for my CNA...class on Sundays????....this is just inhumane treatment at this point.

14). My children think if they throw trash between the cushions in the couch and behind the couch I won't notice...I notice!!!

15). I am craving a mint buttercream cookie...oh husband ate it....

16). I have two weeks of laundry that needs to be folded yet all I can think about is watching Real Housewives...maybe if I tell the children to go fold laundry I can watch Real Housewives?

17). Makenzie is addicted to Mario Kart on the Nintendo DS..we may need to have an intervention?

18). I think  Chinese food is on the dinner menu tonight.....mmmmmmm..I am going to miss food for the next 45 days. So I will eat a few extra pot stickers tonight...sure would have been nice to have a mint buttercream cookie for dessert.

19). ....I am distracted now...the kids left the room...I am watching Real Housewives Beverly Hills....

20). ...dang it, I wanted that darn cookie!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You can repay her by holding her hand through nursing school, because dammit we are both getting in!!!!! :D
