Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I Need To Discuss Something Really Important!


Not Important Stuff:

 So I spent a greater part of four days studying for a pathology exam. I get the test and guess was exactly like the practice exam he gave us...the exam took ten minutes to do. I will never complain about given an easy felt like thanksgiving dinner, all that work and over within minutes. I felt like standing up on my desk and reciting the importance of water sodium balance in our body just so I could expel some of that knowledge crammed into my brain. Do you want to know the importance of water sodium balance? Call me.. I can tell you in great detail.....

Makenzie proceeded to tell me half way through Wal-Mart that she was not feeling well...she threw up by the doughnut case...there was a lady getting some doughnuts, she left her box sitting there... I don't know why, it is just puke!?....I hope you noted the sarcasm there?.....yup my child was puking in Wal-Mart...clean up in aisle 4...classy stuff right there!!!

There was a little boy at McDonalds that ran around the place like a demon...climbing on tables...screaming at the top of his lungs.. his mother was completly oblivious! Finally she checked back into reality and called for her son......his name...Damien....ironic....... he is satan's spawn child!

Now the important stuff...

..okay so it is not important but now that you are reading this you mine as well finish reading it for my own selfish reasons because that is how I roll:

 I need a new hairstyle, and I need your opinion. I am keeping my fingers crossed I get into the fall nursing program...I need to be able to pull my hair into a ponytail during this time....Clinicals....early morning...I need to be able to do my hair in a short amount of time. With the hairstyle I have now I have to wash it the morning of and style it. It does not take me long but a ponytail would be a fraction of the time and hassle. I like my hair but I need convenience right now. I do not have the patience to grow out my bangs, I don't even know if I have the patience to grow out my hair at this point but I will give it a try....Lets look at what I am thinking...Not to long...layers...and the some bangs...

Perfection...this is what I am thinking...could pull up in a pony...layers...looks cute when down..bangs ...what do you think?......
This is a little choppier, a little edgier...could be more maintenance than the above hairstyle...

Good length.....good bangs.....

Cute....but is it long enough for a pony?...and my hair is much thicker than this..

Cute, Cute, Cute...good hair color...what do you think of this one?
I keep coming back to this......
My hair is more this thickness,...this is a a little longer than I want to go but I like has layers

Exactly the length of pony I am looking for and it works with that style of bangs.

Okay so now it is time to give an opinion....keep my hair short?...grow it out?...what style did you like?....Will I look like any of the above celebrities if I do this?...ignore the last question....I have self-image issues ........Are bangs okay?.....I wish I could afford extensions like these actresses.......opinions, suggestions....anything??????

1 comment:

  1. well i think you would look great. and i think all of them you can pull up. my hair can now but needs to be a little longer. i liked Sandra b. hair. would look very cute!
