Sunday, February 12, 2012

Life with Makenzie

Makenzie.....I talk about Makenzie a lot because lets face it she is no further than 6 feet from me most of the time and she never stops talking,  so she is easy to talk about. Here is some recent highlights of Makenzie, because we love her, she is thoroughly entertaining, and border line annoying  all wrapped up in an adorable 5 year old..........

1). Valentines lists came home early last week. It had all the kids name in the class and a request from the teacher to make sure they fill out the cards ( good handwriting practice).....It took till Sunday night to finish the last of the 21 cards. To get her to focus is like...well......I can imagine a gnat focuses easier than her. Before, during, and after of every single card I had to hear every detail of that person whom she was sending the card too.  I heard about Billy's nose picking expertise...Mary's lack of sock wearing...Stevie's affinity for bad words...Hannah's inexcusable line cutting....and then once she was done doing that her attention would quickly shift to another subject...this equates to 2 cards every six hours!!!!!!

2). Conversation in the car after listening to bickering children in the back seat:

Me: "Do you know what my life was like before children?"

Makenzie: "I bet you and dad sat around playing kissy face all day!"

Me: "Well that would explain where the twins came from!"

Makenzie:" I don't get it?"

Me: "Good, someday you will."

Makenzie: " was an old people joke."

3) I am leaving in a couple of weeks for a cruise...Makenzie's parting words for that trip was:
"I hope you get sea sick!"

.........I don't think she is thrilled I will be gone for a week.................

4) There is little doubt that Makenzie is truly a girly, girl...she loves pink, sparkles, shoes, makeup, finger nail polish, Disney princesses, and long flowy hair. She loathes...LOATHES...reptiles or bugs. So upon finding a bug on the window we asked her to get it.. and the following resulted...

I would like you to pay full attention to about the 10 second mark and notice the quintessential girl arch in the back...boys don't do that arch when running away from something..that is truly a girl thing and she has it down to an precise art.

( please note the bug was eventually placed outside and not actually put on the child, once she went downstairs she rolled on the floor and yelled at us for mocking her for at least a half hour...but it was worth really was....)

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