Friday, February 10, 2012

Weighty Issue

My news content this week consisted of whatever hit the MSN homepage on the internet as I was passing by on my way to my online classes. One story hit me and made me cringe, I think most of you are probably aware of it, it was the Adele and Karl Lagerfeld story. Apparently Karl was quoted as saying, "Adele is a little too fat, but her face is beautiful and her voice is divine."

Here is Adele......

and Mr. Lagerfeld.........

Now if you were out and about, what person would you give a second glance at, and maybe giggle a little???? .......hmmm

Anyways on to my point.....Shame....SHAME on you Mr. Lagerfeld! This woman has established herself as one of the most influential female singers of our time..she is one of those rare talents that catches everyone's attention and her numerous awards prove it..YET....all you can see is her body....

This body that we all a body that a lot of us women identify with. We don't identify with runway models and Hollywood starlets. Women see someone like Adele..they see a women that looks like them and and that gives them confidence that is okay not to be a size 2...success does not depend on being a size 2!

...her face is beautiful.....your fat but your face is beautiful....that does not cover up or make up for the words you said...what an insult! It is like saying your beautiful but your stupid..or ..your beautiful but I hate your freckles.......

Mr. Lagerfeld my heart hurt when I heard these comments...I don't have a runaway body...I will never have a runway body... but I know there is more to me than my fuller figure and curves....I would never want to hear,"she is smart, but she is a little too fat!" or " she is a good mom, but she is a little too fat!"

....I would never want my daughters to hear...." You have beautiful eyes but your a little too fat."

Who would you say such things?.....

....only a man behind sunglasses, a fake tan, botoxed forehead, and lipoed stomach would say such things...

Shame...Shame on you Mr. Karl Lagerfeld

1 comment:

  1. Bravo!!! Very well said.

    I will never understand how the public will only see the outside and if it fits into a certain mold. The same thing happened with the actress from Mike and Molly. The comment was made that she is funny but should think about losing some weight. Unfortunately some people (or most) are still stuck in some form of high school where you are nothing unless you can fit into the cheer leading costume.
