Monday, October 4, 2010

A Pledge To Myself

It is time to focus and get back to my goal of the dreaded word "weight loss". Silly time of year to be focused on weight loss with all the holidays approaching but if I don't I am going to offset all my hard work that I have done this year. Me and my sister in laws set off at the end of February to loose weight. My one sister in law who was blessed with great height and the ability to loose weight much faster than me is looking fab I must say and has reached her goal but I on the other hand had about twice as much as her to loose so it is now time to focus on that second half. I hate talking about weight because honestly aside from some genetic factors my fat butt is my problem and my lack of self-control when eating. I joke about it and laugh about it but I try to not to put myself down because of it. I think all women have their insecurities and certainly mine is weight but I will not put my life on hold because of extra weight. It is so easy as woman to put ourselves down because we are constantly comparing ourselves to other women but as most of us know those women are also comparing themselves to us.

So I have lost 50 pounds so far this year and I have another 50 I would like to loose by March and I know it is obtainable when I focus and don't let things like yummy baked good and fries stand in my way. Food is my addiction admittedly and it is a damn good tasty addiction too. So I am putting out to everyone that I am trying to refocus through the holidays and get back on the bandwagon of trying to exercise and watch what I eat, I am making my fat butt accountable to the worldwide web. So here is my pledge to myself:

I am solemnly swear that I will not eat in excess,

and I will stay away from all that is yummy and easy to access.

I will weigh myself weekly and not be beat myself up

even if the scale tells me to give up.

I will regularly exercise even when my body says no,

I will get on the treadmill come hell or high water I can't say NO.

I will always look in the mirror no matter what I see, and

tell myself that it is okay to be me.


  1. Hey!...50 pounds is FANTASTIC!!! Don't put that down! You have been doing great!!
