Thursday, October 28, 2010

Psychiatrist Is In

Whites are motivated by peace. Whites will do almost anything to avoid confrontation. They like to flow through life without hassle or discomfort. Feeling good is important to them more than being good.

Whites need kindness. While Whites respond beautifully to thoughtfulness and amiability, they have a strong, silent stubbornness that surfaces when they are treated unkindly. They resent being scolded. They dislike harsh words. They open instantly to people who are kind, but Whites recoil from those who are hostile. They are motivated by kindness-and cannot understand why other people are unkind.

Whites like to keep a low profile. Whites enjoy their quiet independence. What appears to some people as quiet desperation can show itself to be bullheadness. Those who misinterpret the peace loving nature of a White as an invitation to be bossy will soon meet a wall of passive resistance. Whites are tougher than people think.

Whites like to be asked their opinions. They won't volunteer them. They value the respect of others, but they rarely go out of their way to seek it. They need to be coaxed to talk about their skill, hobbies, or interests.

Whites are independent and avoid being controlled. They simply refuse to be under another's thumb, especially when treated without the respect they think they deserve. Whites want to do things in their own way, in their own time. They do not ask much of others, and resent when others demand things from them. They often comply with unreasonable demands to keep the peace. They will only express their anger and frustrations when they can no longer stand being bossed around. Whites do not like to be pushed, and they can be fearsome when they finally "blow up".

Whites make some of the best listeners and will analyze everything that is said to them and they will find all possible ways to resolve the issue.

I took some color code personality quiz on facebook and the result was me being a white personality and the description above is supposedly my personality in a nutshell and for being a short quiz and not really in depth I think it is pretty darn close. My mother mentioned that only thing she did not agree with is I avoid confrontation. If someone pisses me off I will let them know and I won't back down from a fight if provoked. I will avoid confrontation if it involves me being emotionally hurt, I will bottle it up tuck it away and sit on it for the rest of my life. If I know I have to shed a tear to get that confrontation out, forget about it because that is leaving myself way to vulnerable. I know, therapy, you need therapy, you are saying to yourself, but once again having to sit in an office and expose my emotions to some therapist is about as enticing as getting a root canal without medication to numb my mouth.

I am very uncomfortable around extremely emotional people. The kind of people that cry over everything and especially if it is a man. Don't get me wrong I don't mind if a man cries but if he is crying everyday, I am sorry, but I could not handle that. Emotional and moody I recoil from but kindness I do respond to and I don't understand how some people can be so verbally cruel with one another because if I think how I would feel if someone said something cruel to me, I would hold on to it forever, I could not do that to someone.

I am independent and HATE being told what to do, that is where that, "I would rather feel good than be good" statement comes in. When someone lives there life a certain way and they expect you to live your life the same way because that is what is expected I really fight that because I tell myself, how dare you tell me how to run my life, you do things your way, I'll do things my way. The more someone expects something from me the further I will run in the opposite direction. I will respect that person for the choices they have made but my choices are my own and nobody will spell out for me how to do it, I will do it through my own journey.

This quiz is not all me but I think if you were to do a quick outline of me this would be a good starting point. I am stubborn, independent, and emotionally blocked....ahhh...thank you for reading my therapy session this week...come back next week at this time and we can talk about my fear of abandonment :) ..............

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