Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Do you want the good news or the bad news first?

I feel like I should start with good news...THE KIDS ARE BACK TO SCHOOL! Back to reading, writing, arithmetic...back to restoring all those brain cells they lost over the summer. My kids love school, they love being there, they love learning...they love school! That means one of two things..I am an awesome parent who has stressed the importance of education and being social...or they hate being at home with me so much that school is utopia compared to home....I will keep telling myself that it is obviously option A....ya, I am pretty sure it is option A?!

The twins are in 6th grade and so far they love their teacher, Mrs.Critchlow. When I went to the school for back to school night their teacher shared with me that over the short time she has gotten to spend with twins that she is absolutely in love with them. She said they are they cutest, sweetest girls, and she also overheard the twins standing up to some girls teasing another girl...maybe I am an awesome mom who has taught my children well?!

Makenzie...my baby...Makenzie started school. She has talked about school for a year now and she was beyond excited to go. She was waiting beside my bed on her first day fully dressed, teeth brushed and ready to go....I was still asleep...yup, she was first up and ready to go. I love kindergartners! They are bright eyed, innocent, and ready to soak in everything. Their backpacks are bigger then them, they have untied shoelaces, pants that are little to big, and smiles with missing teeth. I just want to love and squeeze them all...except for the ones with runny noses. Her teacher is Mrs. Killpack, she was Kaitlynn's kindergarten teacher and she is excellent! I am also her visiting teacher so I figured I can do my parent teacher conferences when I do my visiting teaching...

So ...the bad news....well, it seems to be the story of my life as of lately and really I am still processing it all. We went through a lay off in February and now we seem to be back in the same situation again...a husband without a job with back to school expenses and the holidays around the corner. It is a long story and it has been a recurring story ever since Adrian chose to leave a job he had for numerous years about 4 years ago. It has been a rotating door of jobs, some voluntarily moving on to better jobs, and others turning out be nightmares, and some feeling the crunch of the recession and having to lay him off. We found out yesterday, and I think I went through the same stages people go through when grieving in a matter of 24 hours. I have had some good advise from loved ones, some infuriating comments from those I will leave anonymous, and those who are there not to judge but just to listen. Honestly we just have had "SHIT" luck lately but somehow we come out okay and always a little bit ahead than before.

Life...a wild roller coaster ride of ups and downs. Though it feels like at times that I am on constant, terrifying, screaming fast, downhill coaster ride, and I am hanging on for dear life, wanting to throw up, wanting to get off  this car of terror .....I look up and sure as hell I am on my way back up and feeling excitement, adventure, anticipation, and never wanting this feeling to stop.......

....that is life....that is my life.....and right now I am just trying open my eye's and start searching for the hill  that will take me back up.


  1. Ugh. We have soooo been there. Getting laid off right before the holidays is just a fabulous kick in the pants, isn't it???
    Love you guys. Thinking of you. I'll let you know if I hear of anything. <3

  2. Well, your shit luck has been lay offs and ours has been medical. I am so sorry to hear about Adrian's job. We will be praying for your family. These things affect more than just the person layed off, it is the whole family. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help, even if it is just share some oxygen when you hyperventilate :) We love you guys and we will be here for you. If we can help we will just let us know.
