Monday, April 9, 2012

And The Winner Is......

I hope everyone had a nice Easter!  I can admit that I ate to much potato salad and felt the extra weight of mayonnaise and potatoes still sitting in my belly as I ran on the treadmill this morning.

Can I also admit something else....

I am not an Easter candy fact the smell of Easter candy makes my stomach turn slightly..I don't like jelly beans, marshmallow, and chocolate bunnies.....thank goodness for Reese's eggs or Easter goodies would be a bust for me. Speaking of Reeses..I think I have mentioned Reese's is an Achilles of mine,  and I was browsing recipe websites this morning I came across this concoction......So this gets the award for:


 That is a peanut butter cup baked inside chocolate chip cookie dough..that right there is a masterpiece!

That right there is a 5,000 I need someone to share this with me when I do make them...because I will make them at some point...and I will eat them all...I have no self control!

Everyone has the right to their own views of religion, government, abortion, foreign policy, and the heated debate of  Miracle Whip or mayonnaise. I am a fascinated by all religions and respect their beliefs. When I see someone maliciously poke at a religion and I don't care what religion they are poking bothers me. I remember watching Bill Maher's movie relgiulous and wondered what jollies one gets from making fun of a Jewish man praying at the wailing wall in Jerusalem. It is fine if you don't believe in organized religion or believe in any higher being but why would you belittle someone else's belief...something that gives that person purpose and peace?  Anyways I witnessed one of these people this week and so he gets the award of:

Close-minded, belittling, bigoted, ignorant jackhole of the week:

I have said I am not a huge "chick flick" fan. I am of the minority when I say I don't swoon over Twilight and I know I am of the minority when I say that by the end of the Titanic movie I wanted to shove Jack in the icy water and possibly Rose with him. It was a painfully long movie and we all knew what was going happen in the end. They have recently re-released Titanic into the theater and I would rather have a root canal than sit through that movie again...but ....again....if this is what they did with it then I am there! This gets the award of:


First of all I am not saying you should not be prepared in case of an emergency, or worst yet a natural disaster, or an apocalyptic disaster. However, there is a show on National Geographic Channel called Doomsday Preppers...this show thoroughly entertains me. My all time favorite episode was a husband who was preparing for a pandemic disease that he is convinced is going to wipe us all out. His bug out solution was purchasing a cave in a mountain to hide his family with his 50 boxes of aspirin (not sure how aspirin is going to save someone in the case of pandemic style disease?).....PROBLEM....his wife is Cambodian and survived the Cambodian wars with her family hiding in caves. The wife was having war flashbacks sitting in this cave and basically told her husband she would rather die than sit in that cave. He might want to rethink  his bug out plans! Anyways, here is my last award of the week....for best CRAZY doomsday prepper of the week. One should always prepare for one's pet in case of disaster....I am just not sure if shooting kitty in the back of the head at any sign of trouble would be my first thought?


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