Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Class of 2014

This last year I have been finishing up my required courses so I could put in my application for nursing school. I think I have explained my predicament that came with this in a previous post.....I want to emphasize the fact that this program comes around once every two years and they only accept 20 students statewide. This program is also perfect for me because I can do all the classroom work from my home...which as a can not ask for anything more perfect than that.

I sent in my application at the end of February knowing I would have an answer back sometime in early April. On my last post I was starting to feel the panic because I knew an answer was coming soon.......and now the waiting was killing me!!!!

I was not the only one going through this waiting friend Leeann was also going through the same stresses...she was waiting for an answer also. We have gone through this together...we have stood over a dead woman's body together in anatomy pinning and labeling her reproductive system...lets face it we are bonded for life over that alone!!!! We have endured a week of ridiculously boring CNA classes together ! We have had to drive through snowstorms, changed adult diapers, and worked with fellow students that had penises drawn on their body with sharpies for clinicals...yup we need each other to get through nursing school...I need someone that can laugh with me, and challenge me to do my best so I can get through this program..... there is not a better person than Leeann to do this!

Tuesday night I was sitting in my pathology course and I hear two fellow students talking about their acceptance into the nursing program......WHAAAAATTTT!......they got their acceptance letter..I DIDN'T GET MINE!!!!!!!....this was person number three at this point that I knew had gotten an acceptance letter......they went on and on about their acceptance.... I was seconds away from crawling under my table, curling into a fetal position, and start sobbing softly.....I was also visualizing in my head.... jumping over my table, knocking both of them out, and tearing up their acceptance letter....

Instead.... I excused myself to the bathroom and cried softly in a bathroom stall......while texting Leeann and Adrian about my possible nervous breakdown that was occurring at USU's bathroom. Leeann had not received her acceptance letter basically I also passed my nervous breakdown over to her ...What are friends for if you can't share your neurosis???

I left class...drove home crying.....and had thoroughly convinced myself I was not going to be 1 of the now 17 nursing students......... morning...I decided to hit the post office early so I could get my rejection letter .... I  convinced myself I was getting I could burn it.....binge on junk food......then crawl in bed with indigestion and come out sometime next month............

but....instead of rejection I received....acceptance....

There it is next two years in a letter......

I DID IT!!!!

I GOT IN!!!!

I am excited and scared all intermingled together....

Getting to this point has taken a lot of work over the past two years and now it is here.....

So on to the next chapter.....

Here I come Weber State University!!!!

are you ready for me...or should I say...... Am I ready for you?

1 comment:

  1. We're ready! We're ready! We're ready!

    Well...after we get our shots, get fingerprinted, get a background check, pee in a cup, take a beautiful photo and order a designer scrub top...THEN we'll be ready! ;)
