Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Griswolds Family Vacation...Day 2

Last time I went to Mount Vernon I went with my mother and I was 6 months pregnant. So the twins are now almost eleven so needless to say it has been a long time since I have been there. Mount Vernon, our first presidents home and where he is buried. It is a piece of American history that is incredible to see. It sits on the most beautiful piece of property and is amazingly preserved. This above picture was taken at the new welcoming center that gives a brief history of George and Martha. This statue is life size of George, Martha and their two grandchildren. You realize what commanding presence George had, he was tall for his day and big in stature. I love that Makenzie reached up and grabbed the hand of George Washington. I think George would have liked that :).
This is the view that George Washington had from the front of his home. Rolling hills of green that go as far as the eye can see.

This is Mount Vernon, the home of General George Washington. You can not take pictures when in the home. It is a piece of colonial history that is incredibly preserved. The home is not large inside or over indulgent like that of a British palace we went through the next day.

This is the view that the home has from the back of the house.

Here is the back of the home. I think after seeing the view that the back of the home offers I know why George loved this home.

This is where George and his wife are buried. It is funny, when you approach this place people become quiet in their talk and they seem to take on a new level of respect for this man. If George Washington only knew the importance that he had on our countries history and the admiration that people have for him hundreds of years later.

It was an ungodly kind of humidity and heat that day that the new interactive museum was a welcome relief from the heat. Lots of things for the kids to see and do. We even got to see George Washington's "wooden" teeth...which are actually made out of ivory and others people teeth...icky! Could you imagine dentures made out of other peoples teeth...icky! It was a hot day and some whiny kids but overall a success. Day 3 Colonial Williamsburg and Virginia be continued......

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