Thursday, April 29, 2010

Are you there God, It's me Michele!

I was going back through old posts and trying to figure out what happened to my Easter memories post with all the pictures. Somehow the pictures became jumbled and the comment box was at least a three page scroll from the beginning of the post, oh well I am not fixing it now. Anyways, as I looked back through old posts there seems to be a high quantity of Makenzie stories and I am lacking in twin stories. For entertainment purposes the three year old provides a lot to write about. The twins are at the pre-teen years. Our conversations have become more adult-like. They are starting to watch some of my T.V. programs with me and they are interested in helping with chores and the cooking that I am doing. When they come home from school I get the typical grunts and groans of how the school day went. They come home get a snack and play on their Wii or the computer then they take off to a friends or retire to their room and giggle and talk about their day to each other. They are beginning that slow detachment from their parents and beginning to figure out who they are. I have not lost them completely though, they still find their way to my side every night and sit beside me and hold my hand and include me in a few things that happened that day.
Their room is the beginning of a teens room. Their clothes never seem to find the hamper. There is lip gloss, cd's, shoes, and notes written at school from friends. Speaking of notes, I found one with hearts and the name Nicholas written on it; I wondered if it was a secret crush or is this Nicholas aware of this crush. I saved the twin the embarrassment and did not say anything to her but I am keeping my eyes on this Nicholas boy.
I am sure I will have more stories as they move into their teen years but I am sure they will put restrictions on what I can write about them, they don't want to be embarrassed or humiliated. I am positive they don't want me blogging about their changes into womanhood. In fact, that is a wonderful title to a blog post as they transition into puberty, "Are you there God, it's me Cheyenne". In the meantime the 3 year old is fair game. She always provides me something to write about and she is to young to say, "Don't write about that, I will be too embarrassed!". She is a long ways away from puberty and because she does not know her alphabet I am pretty sure she does not know that I am writing about her. I will continue to share stories of the three year old and hopefully more of the twins that are not humiliating, embarrassing, or talking of their womanly changes that may result in them never speaking to me again.

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