Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Here we go again!

So I posted sometime back about one of my twins cutting their own hair. She had a mullet by the end of her cutting experience. She was happy with her results and was proud to sport her new look. Last night the three year old decided to take the scissors to her hair. This was different, she was trying to remove a hairband that was tangled in her hair so she thought she could cut it out. After several snips and a hairband that was still tangled we had a new hairdo. She was immediately not happy and was trying to cover her mistake with hair accessories. I suppose because I have been down this route before I found incredible humor in Makenzie's reaction. It was the polar opposite of Cheyenne's reaction.

It is always an adventure with kids. You never know what is around the corner waiting for you. I suppose the older I get the more I let things roll and just take the moment in. We laughed and joked about the haircut. It will grow back and life will move on. Once again I am left with a great memory.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word...this has me rolling! That little poof on top is hilarious!
