Monday, January 10, 2011

Version 1 or Version 2?

2011, Version 1:

Day 1 of the 2011: At an estimated time of 7:00 some juvenile delinquents decided to shoot my front window with B.B.'s which resulted in two golf ball size holes making it necessary to replace the window. Did not know this is what happened, the four year old and mother heard the noise.

Day 2 of 2011: Realized what the strange sound was the night before ( the window mentioned above). Filled out police report

Day 4 of 2011: Realized have crappy homeowners insurance and will be paying out of pocket for new front windows.

Day 5 of 2011: Husbands work decided to not pay on scheduled payday but the day after. Had mortgage payment and utilities waiting to go through bank at any time. Potential disaster because we are in the process of refinancing and we cannot bounce mortgage payment. Crisis diverted through the generous aid of my mother-in-law; would have bounced mortgage payment otherwise.

Day 7 of 2011: Four year old decided to head dive into the brick fireplace and produced a large gash in the side of hear head that required two staples, and hundreds of dollars in an E.R. visit.

Day 9 of 2011: Our angel fish found dead...still waiting for body to float to the top of the tank so it can have a proper flush burial.

2011, Version 2:

Day 1 of 2011: Got to spend the new year with my mom,and after a health scare last year, being able to spend the beginning of the new year with her is truly a blessing.

Day 2 of 2011: Honestly it is time for new windows on the home, I guess this just forced the issue.

Day 4 of 2011: Made me more conscious of my insurance policy and the fine print. Will go through policy and make some changes or get new carrier to make sure we are always covered in these situations....lesson learned! Going to invest tax returns in new windows, will help with value on home and get a great discount through husbands work

Day 5 of 2011: So grateful for my in-laws and their help when we get stuck in positions such as potential bank mishaps.

Day 7 of 2011: A lot of laughs in the E.R. between husband and I as we sat staring at a four year old with a pink bandage wrapped around her head. This is part of the package when you decide to have spend your Saturday in the E.R. and have a story you can share with her later in life.

Day 9 of 2011: Lets face it fish die, that is what fish do, and that is what this fish did...bye, bye Mr. Angel R.I.P.............

It is all in how we look at life.... do we look at version 1 or do we look at version 2? I think I will try to focus on version 2 and it makes version 1 a little easier to manage.

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