Thursday, January 20, 2011

Top Five Romance

I am not a huge fan of romance movies. I am kind of a guy when it comes to movies; I enjoy a good action flick or anything violent in general. I also really enjoy independent films, mystery, drama, and comedies. With Valentines day approaching why not make a list of romance/chick flicks that I enjoy. The Notebook, the grand poobah of all chick flicks, and I actually love this movie. I think Titanic is in the grand poobah categories of romance films and I HATE that movie. By the end of the movie I was ready to push Jack in the water and put us all out of our misery. Notebook made me cry, well I should say it made me sob, and for that reason I will consider it a good romance movie. I remember seeing Last of the Mohican's in the movie theater and also crying uncontrollably and I had the same reaction with The Notebook. I will keep it PG but the love scene in this movie is.......well.....very......well, you know...not to bad at all to watch.

50 First Dates, love,love,love this movie. It was perfect for me; lots of comedy and a sweet love story also. I also would put this movies soundtrack as my favorite soundtrack from a movie. I must say Drew Barrymore is a favorite of mine and she was perfect in this movie.

So P.S. I Love You has the yummy actor that was in my top five men category, Gerard Butler. This movie is another movie that makes me cry but it also has a good mix of humor. I love her friendship with her girlfriends in the movie. I can watch this movie over and over and never get tired of it

This movie I watched randomly on cable one day and wondered why I had not scene it before. It was my own stubbornness of watching romance films that prevented me from watching it. I judged it by the poster and figured it was some cheesy poetry filled mid century snooze fest. I was wrong on every level, this movie is amazing and I love the overall message of the movie.

My last choice was hard; but I had to pick one. I could not choose between this one and Return to Me. Return to Me has Molly Driver and David Duchovny and is a sweet love story that your kids could watch with you. It came and went out of the theaters quickly but I would gladly watch it over and over again. Love actually is many stories in one movie and is not kid friendly. It is quirky and I love all the different characters and their experiences.
Honorable mentions: The Proposal,Sleepless in Seattle, When a Man Loves a Woman, Sweet Home Alabama, Dirty Dancing, How to Loose a Guy In 10 days, Bridget Jones Diary, While You Were Sleeping, Never Been Kissed.
Do not make me watch category: TITANIC! Gone with the Wind, A Walk to Remember, Sweet November, My Best Friends Wedding, Dying Young, An Affair To Remember and did I mention TITANIC!


  1. "Return to Me" is on my favorite list, too! "Amelie" censored. "Princess Bride" with family. "Star Wars" and I am showing my age, the real ones, Han Solo & Princess Leia. Loved "My Greek Wedding" except I hate it when the girl gets proposed to in bed. Ugh. I am past 5 already. Good way to narrow down a list quickly! Haven't seen your #1 yet.

  2. I asked Johnny what he thought. He said "The Matrix" was a good romance, since they finally kissed...Seriously, he said "Sense & Sensibility" and wondered why I didn't mention "Somewhere in Time" my huge favorite in high school when Jane Seymour was young and Superman could still walk. "Emma" and "Pride & Prejudice" and "An Affair to Remember" old one. If anyone asks his favorite Christmas movie: "Die Hard."

  3. Somewhere in Time...great movie! It was hard for me to figure out romance movies, not my watching preference but I never thought of Princess Bride...I love that movie. Matrix and die hard...good response :).......
