Monday, February 14, 2011


I was not raised in large family and I have one sibling. We are six years apart in age, she being the oldest. We were mortal enemies growing up, she was mean, and I was a brat. It was her daily mission to exclude me from whatever activity she was doing and it was my daily mission to figure out a way to see how I could include myself in whatever she was doing. Leana went off to basic training for the military about the time we moved to Utah and when she came back I don't know if it was maturity or not having to be around each other for several months but our relationship changed. It was no longer bickering siblings but more of a friendship.

We have watched our families grow up and though we get limited time together we cherish the time we have. I tease her that we will out live our husbands and then we can become the crazy cat lady sisters that live together (only problem with that is I am allergic to cats but I figured by then I will be to senile to know the difference). I will be the sister that will drive because I am younger and she is fairly blind already so I can just imagine what her eyesight will be like when she is 85 and also you shrink the older you get and she is fairly short already so she wouldn't be able to see over the steering wheel anyways. I think I will be the senile one, I will make the jello molds with cat food in it, I will wear my bra on the outside of clothes, and wear my lipstick extending beyond my lip line.

Though I know my sister will probably not see this post because technology is not her friend I want her to know how much I love her. I wanted to be included in everything she did when I was kid because I wanted to be like her, I looked up to her. She is amazingly intelligent with a great sense of humor. She is stunningly beautiful and has a heart of gold. I am blessed she is my one and only sister.

"Sisters is probably the most competitive relationship within the family, but once the sisters are grown, it becomes the strongest relationship within a family"~ Margaret Mead

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