Monday, February 21, 2011

Belligerent Drunk

This is a short film that is spreading across the internet. First of all if you have ever lived with a baby at this wobbly stage of walking and their lack of cleanliness when eating or drinking you find the humor in is like living with a drunk. I started laughing when I watched this video because of an experience I had with Cheyenne when she was around this age.

First of all, no, I did not get my baby drunk. Cheyenne had a tumor on her ovary which was causing her to go in to premature puberty. She was going through the changes that we all begin to go through at those awkward pre-teen years at 18 months. After many tests they found a large mass on her ovary and we had to immediately get her into surgery to remove it.

We show up they day of surgery and they take you to pre-op area that had a large play area. The play area is in the pre-op room to distract the children, to relax them, they administer a sedative so that when it is time to go into surgery they will be "relaxed" and not stressed when leaving with the nurses.

Let me set the scene. Cheyenne and another boy were set to leave for surgery about the same time. The other boy in the pre-op area was...well..lets say...extremely ADHD. He was bouncing off the walls and could not sit still. They administer this oral sedative to Cheyenne and this boy. The nurse described the sedative as an equivalent to giving an adult a few alcoholic drinks, calms the nerves. They give instructions to watch your child, they may get wobbly and may hurt themselves stumbling around.

Within a short amount of time the ADHD boy was like jello, he was lying on the floor drooling on himself, he was VERY relaxed. Cheyenne on the other hand was holding on with one hand teetering back and forth guarding the play area. She was shoving other kids around her, taking toys, and not saying kind things to the other children. She did not relax, she turned into a belligerent "drunk".

Of course it was a stressful morning and this broke the ice, I found the humor I needed that morning, I needed to laugh, to take my mind of everything that was happening. My puberty riddled baby turned into a fighting drunk, ADHD child was passed was the laugh that I needed.

That is why this short film made me laugh, it brought me back to that moment, that very stressful moment and it reminded me to always find the humor ...always laugh.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I know that play room! I'm glad you could laugh. Taylor gets so silly and ADD when they give him his Valium before surgery. It always lightens the mood. It helps me to laugh a little so I don't cry when they wheel him away.
