Monday, February 7, 2011

What Don't I Love about You!

Staying with my February theme of what I love about those in my life I figured my kiddos had to be my second post. I will start with the youngest, Makenzie. She is a force to be reckoned with. She is amazingly animated and takes the word "drama" to a whole new level. She makes me smile the minute she walks in the room and I can always count on Makenzie to make me laugh. The other day I asked her a generic question that should have had a yes or no answer but instead she began the answer with the response, "sit down, let me tell you the story". She questions everything and observes every tiny detail around her, nothing gets by her. She will always be my baby girl even when she turns 40.
My shy, shy. She is shy and meek and hesitant. She likes to stand back and observe, unlike her younger sister she just wants to stay neutral and blend in. The first time she had to perform in front of a crowd she got so nervous she threw up and refused to go back out again. She has a spirit about her that is so sweet that you cannot be mad at her for long. She is always first to give me a hug and ask me how my day was, she always is making sure everyone else is okay. I am not sure how to put words to it but Cheyenne has such a sweet soul, a soul that rarely blesses this earth, she is truly someone special and I am so proud to be her mother.

My Kaity Bug, and my six minutes but she is technically my oldest. She was the reason the twins came early, she was determined to come out no matter how hard the Dr's tried to keep her in. She still has that fighting spirit, when she focuses and decides she wants something she does not stop until she gets it. She is as stubborn as her mother and she is first to express her opinion when she feels you are wrong. I love when I get time alone with her, she talks your ear off, she usually keeps to herself when we are all together. I enjoy my alone time with her because I get to see what an amazingly smart girl she is and what an amazing young woman she is turning into...she is truly just "amazing"

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