Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Why do you have that stupid grin on your face?

Do you see that dorky smile on my face? Well, that dorky smile is pure glee, happiness; joy, bliss; delirium, and euphoria all wrapped up in that facial expression. "HOLY CRAP, I AM AT A U2 CONCERT"!...kindof face. After years of listening to U2 and not being able to go to their concert because of various reasons I finally got to go. I have been a huge fan forever and the concert did not disappoint.

We rode the Trax to the stadium, it was packed! However, I am a professional at riding trains and subways; I have riden on the Washington DC metro's on the 4th of July and these crowds were amateur compared to those crowds.

This was our first glimpse at this gargantuan stage.....This is where that stupid smile first appeared on my face....HOLY CRAP! I AM AT A U2 CONCERT!

This is the man responsible for these tickets; it was my mothers day gift.......Golly I sure do love this guy!

Our view from our seats. The opening band was the Fray, they were very good. The stage was amazing and I can't even begin to describe the size of it. When U2 came out the seats were rumbling, it felt like an earthquake....I definitely had that stupid grin on my face when the band came out.

The screen over the stage was a 360 screen that moved around in circles and had amazing graphics and views of the band singing...

The noise coming from the crowds was deafening but amazing.....

At one point the movie screen rotating above unfolded and came all the way down to the stage and once again had amazing graphics displayed across them. I think this was taken during the song, Vertigo.

Seriously, that stupid grin never left my face the whole night. It was an amazing concert! Only thing I really regret is not taking the twins. They know U2 because I play it all the time and I would have loved to have shared this experience with them. I loved that I saw grandparents taking their kids and grandkids to this show. I loved that U2 in concert sounds just like U2 on CD, Bono's vocals are spot on. I loved that I got to hear edge play his guitars. I loved that they played one song from every one of their albums, even an obscure song from their first album October. I loved that their very last song was my all time favorite U2 song, with or without you. I loved that I got to experience that night with Adrian.

I guess all these things that I loved about this concert explains why I had that stupid grin on my face....

1 comment:

  1. Michele, I am so happy for you. I'm glad you guys got to go and had so much fun!!!
