Friday, November 4, 2011

....So, what happened next?

Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia
~E.L. Doctorow

Blogging...basically an online journal, that is exposed to the world. I write to share my life with  family, friends, and whoever randomly comes across it. I enjoy writing and almost 7,000 hits on my blog in a year and a half.. either others enjoy reading it or maybe they are just checking in to see what is up with the crazy lady? However, I forget that people who are not necessarily in my everyday life don't get the conclusion to some stories...the outcome of my random life events.

 I was stopped by someone at school, a text from a friend,  a lady in our church, and a posted message by someone I don't know who reads my blog...all of them wondering...Did your husband find work?.....Did your conflict at church get resolved?...Are you moving to Texas? The funniest one was a professor that stopped me and said he had talked about blogs in one of his class discussions and he used my blog ( I gave him the link sometime ago)  as an example of different style blogs (immediately I apologized for all grammatical errors and asked him not to silently correct my blog with a red pen)...anyways he asked questions about nursing school.

So here we update on my crazy life:

(A)...job update......Adrian had a few job offers all at once about a month ago and we decided to go with a local company, here in town. It is a start up company that got a contract with a local government army facility. It was steady work through the winter and it made the most sense for us. However, typical government bureaucracy has stalled the contract and the owner had to contract with other companies that  have not paid...that means we got no paycheck last Friday...and still have no paycheck as of a week later. Adrian found another job this week...we had no choice.. and  he will start on Monday. I am hoping the paycheck comes through sometime this next week or legal action will begin?! ...I don't want to think about the amount of money we have made in the last 3 months, I am not sure how we have done it......I  am tired, Adrian is tired...I am not sure when the last time is I slept through the night.... but I know with every ounce in my body that this will pass and we will make it through....maybe with a few more gray hairs and few more dark circles under my eyes. I also have some amazing people in my life who have helped me through this stress, talked me through this stress, just listened to me stress...thank you to those people.

(B) Church issue resolved.....A half hearted apology made by the gentleman? ...a lot of people wondering how Adrian kept his cool and supporting moves on...I have bigger things to worry about.

(C) We are not moving to Texas is an option...and option we have to explore. We have a lot options to explore. So... no.... not today or eases my mind to have options and this point anything that eases my mind is good thing. ......seriously people if I lived in Texas I would have my RN by now..."sigh".....I have heard Austin is lovely!!!! It is something Adrian and I would have to really have to think about and would not make a decision like that lightly.

The kids are good and doing well in for me is going great and I should have straight A's again......I am dreaming of my Caribbean cruise in March.....Christmas is around the corner so that means I can turn my house into a winter wonderland which makes me happy all the way to my soul, I love Christmas....My mom is coming for Thanksgiving and she does not know it yet but she will be helping me turn my house into that winter wonderland.. ...see lots of good things happen whether they are small everyday things or bigger things amidst all the chaos that I call my life.

Thanks for reading...thanks for being concerned.....thanks for dealing with all my grammatical errors....thanks for viewing my ramblings and rants, and letting me show off pictures of my children.

Thanks for letting me share the good, the bad, and ugly parts of my life with you.......


  1. Besides Roger Vertrees, do you know anyone else in Texas?

  2. Adrian has family in the Houston area....

  3. Oh woman! It is something I noticed when I came to visit you and Adrian in September. We do have a lot of the same humor. Why didn't we get to know each other earlier? Well I'll tell you why. Because you live in Utah, and I split quickly for Colorado. Thank goodness for blogging.
    I was challenged to write a novel in November, so that is what I am concentrating on. But you, lady, make a very good diversion. :) And thanks for your updates. I do not have a clue what's going on with the church thing, but feel free to let me know. I do believe we had a good discussion on that point.
    I hope things continue to work themselves out. If there is anything we can do here in Colorado, please let me know. Like if you need me to start putting out feelers out this way for Adrian's area of expertise...

  4. @Sharon~It is funny because Adrian said that weekend you were here that I needed to meet you because he thought we were a lot alike and I think he was definitely right ;)...We could be trouble together. The thought of having to write complete thoughts and complete paragraphs would terrify me...I write the way I think and I don't know if that would translate to a novella type format :). As far as the church thing if you click on the highlighted red word "Church" in that sentence it will give you the details, it has worked itself out as best as it could and I guess all you can do is move on. We are trying to finish up my last semester of school and then we will figure out from there what our future plans are because right now they are up in the air. Best of luck on your novel and hopefully I will get to read this masterpiece in the future!
